Jerzy-Roman Janowiec and Others v Russia -: ECHR 19 Nov 2007

References: 55508/07, [2007] ECHR 1830
Links: Bailii
Coram: Dean Spielmann, P
Ratio: Admissible – complaint by Polish nationals as to failure to supply information about the Katyn massacre during the second world war.
Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights
This case is cited by:

  • Admissibility – Janowiec And Others v Russia ECHR (Bailii, [2013] ECHR 1003, 29520/09 – Legal Summary, Bailii, [2013] ECHR 1160, 55508/07)
    ECHR Grand Chamber – Article 3
    Inhuman treatment
    Positive obligations
    Alleged failure adequately to account for fate of Polish prisoners executed by Soviet secret police at Katyn in 1940: no . .

(This list may be incomplete)

Last Update: 05 April 2017
Ref: 448169