References: [2013] UKUT 336 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
Coram: Birss J
UTTC Corporation tax – deductibility of expenditure – sponsorship payments intended to improve fortunes of sports club – expectation of trade benefits principally as a result of recognition by others involved with the club of taxpayer’s benefaction – dual purpose of benefiting sports club and taxpayer’s trade – payments not deductible – Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988, s 74 – appeal dismissed
Statutes: Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 74
This case cites:
- At FTTTx – Interfish Ltd -v- Revenue & Customs FTTTx (Bailii, [2010] UKFTT 219 (TC))
FTTTx Corporation tax – deductibility of expenditure – sponsorship payments intended to improve fortunes of sports club – expectation of trade benefits principally as a result of recognition by others involved . . - Appeal from – Interfish Ltd -v- Revenue & Customs FTTTx (Bailii, [2012] UKFTT 599 (TC))
FTTTx Corporation tax – deductibility of expenditure – sponsorship payments intended to improve fortunes of sports club – expectation of trade benefits principally as a result of recognition by others involved . .
This case is cited by:
- Appeal from – Interfish Ltd -v- HM Revenue and Customs CA (Bailii, [2014] EWCA Civ 876)
The company sought to set payments it had made to support a local rugby club off against its income for Corporation Tax purposes.
Held: The appeal failed. The requirement was that the expenditure be wholly necessarily and exclusively for the . .