In Re L (a Minor) (Adoption: Disclosure of Information): CA 12 Dec 1996

A request was made for an order that the Registrar General should provide information from his registers and records to enable a registered charity called the Post Adoption Centre to trace the applicant’s adopted daughter P, who had been made the subject of an adoption order very many years ago.
Held: A clear benefit to an adopted child is needed, before any disclosure is to be made to the natural parent. The words of section 50(5) were mandatory, and disclosure should be given in only exceptional cases.


Gazette 29-Jan-1997, Times 09-Jan-1997, [1996] EWCA Civ 1195, [1997] 2 WLR 739, [1998] Fam 19, [1997] 1 FLR 715, [1997] 2 FCR 240, [1997] Fam Law 315




Adoption Act 1976 50(5)


England and Wales


CitedRe H (Adoption: Disclosure of Information ) 1995
An application was made by the sister of an adopted child for disclosure of the records held in order to allow her to make contact and to warn her of the fact that she might have an inherited genetic disease.
Held: The jurisdiction to grant . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Adoption, Administrative, Adoption

Updated: 04 November 2022; Ref: scu.141063