[1986] Fam 121
Cited by:
Cited – In Re K (A Minor) (Adoption Order: Nationality) CA 22-Apr-1994
The child was born in Sierra Leone. Her mother died, and her aunt had adopted her in Sierra Leone in 1991. She came to England where a further adoption order was obtained only a few days short of her eighteenth birthday when the court made an order . .
Cited – In Re K (A Minor) (Residence Order) CA 26-Nov-1998
The father had been denied access to his child in India. The child had been brought back to England through wardship proceedings. He resisted an application by the mother to take the child to India for a temporary stay. The mother appealed an order . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Children, Adoption
Updated: 07 May 2022; Ref: scu.241336