Imran (Section 117C, Children, Unduly Harsh : Pakistan): UTIAC 11 Feb 2020

To bring a case within Exception 2 in s.117C(5) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, the ‘unduly harsh’ test will not be satisfied, in a case where a child has two parents, by either or both of the following, without more: (i) evidence of the particular importance of one parent in the lives of the children; and (ii) evidence of the emotional dependence of the children on that parent and of the emotional harm that would be likely to flow from separation.
Consideration as to what constitutes ‘without more’ is a fact sensitive assessment.


[2020] UKUT 83 (IAC)




England and Wales


Updated: 27 November 2022; Ref: scu.650782