Hussain v Financial Services Authority: FSMT 29 Jun 2007

FSMT SUPERVISORY NOTICE – Application for direction to suspend effect of notice until reference disposed of – Notice varied Applicant’s permission by removing all regulated activities with immediate effect – Reason for notice being breach of threshold condition 5 – In application for permission to conduct regulated activities the Applicant failed to disclose relevant convictions – Applicant failed to disclose convictions taking place after his approval – Applicant refuses to cease carrying out regulated activities notwithstanding the notice – Whether Tribunal satisfied that the direction to suspend the effect of the notice would not prejudice the interests of the consumers – No – Whether necessary for notice to take effect immediately – Yes – Whether register should include no particulars about the reference – No – Applications dismissed – Financial Services and Markets Tribunal Rules 2001 SI 2001 NO2476 Rule 10(1)(e), Rule 10(6) and Rule 10(9)


[2007] UKFSM FSM053



Financial Services

Updated: 15 July 2022; Ref: scu.268197