HSBC Bank Plc v 5th Avenue Partners Ltd and others: CA 6 Jun 2008

Renewed application for leave to appeal.


Rix, Toulson LJJ


[2008] EWCA Civ 851




England and Wales


See AlsoHSBC Bank Plc v 5th Avenue Partners Ltd and Others ComC 7-Dec-2007
The claimants sought damages from the defendant bank, saying that they had been induced by a fraudster to pay money into accounts at the bank, and claimed in dishonest assistance. . .
See AlsoHSBC Bank Plc v 5th Avenue Partners Ltd and others ComC 21-Feb-2008
. .

Cited by:

LeaveSO v Hsbc Bank Plc and Another CA 3-Apr-2009
Etherton LJ held that ultimately the decision as to whether there is vicarious liability ‘is a conclusion of law based on primary facts rather than a simple question of fact’. . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Banking, Torts – Other

Updated: 18 July 2022; Ref: scu.271218