HM Revenue and Customs v Brockenhurst College: UTTC 30 Jan 2014

UTTC VAT – whether supplies of catering and entertainment services to members of the public are exempt as supplies closely related to the provision of education – Sixth VAT Directive, Article 13A(1)(m); Principal VAT Directive, Article 132(1)(i) – VATA 1994, Sch 9, Group 6, Item 4
[2014] UKUT 46 (TCC)
England and Wales
Appeal fromBrockenhurst College v Revenue and Customs FTTTx 5-Nov-2012
FTTTx Value Added Tax – Group 6 Schedule 9 VATA 1994 – Supply of Education -Whether catering and entertainment closely related supplies -Whether exempt supplies – Yes – Appeal Allowed. . .

These lists may be incomplete.
Updated: 16 July 2021; Ref: scu.521227