The complainant requested information from High Speed Two (HS2) Limited (‘HS2’) about properties it had purchased since its inception. HS2 initially considered the request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). It disclosed some randomised information, but said that it could not provide the information as requested (in the form of a spreadsheet with full address details and accompanying prices) since this would be exempt under section 31(1)(a) – law enforcement (Prevention of crime) and/or section 40(2) – personal information. After reconsidering the request under the EIR, HS2 continued to withhold the information, relying on the exceptions at regulation 12(5)(a) – adversely affect public safety, regulation 12(5)(b) – adversely affect the course of justice, and/or regulation 13 – personal data. The Commissioner’s decision is that the exception at regulation 12(5)(a) is engaged, and that the balance of the public interest favours maintaining the exception. The Commissioner does not require HS2 to take any steps.
EIR 12(5)(a): Complaint not upheld
[2021] UKICO IC-40100
England and Wales
Updated: 28 September 2022; Ref: scu.662935