Hagos, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department (Dublin Returns – Malta) (IJR): UTIAC 30 Apr 2015

UTIAC 1) While the Maltese system for the reception, processing and treatment of asylum seekers has certain frailties and shortcomings, these fall measurably short of fundamental failings or near collapse, particularly in circumstances where the consistent trend is one of progressive improvement and fortification. It suffers from no systemic deficiency.
2) The transfer of a young male adult in good physical health, though suffering from mental health problems and asserting a risk of suicide, from the United Kingdom to Malta under the Dublin Regulation will not necessarily violate Article 3 ECHR, Articles 18 or 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Article 33 of the Refugee Convention or the Qualification Directive.
3) (Per curiam) The removal of a person to another state contravenes Article 5 ECHR only if the evidence establishes a real risk of a flagrant breach of this provision.

McCloskey J, P UT, O’Connor UTJ
[2015] UKUT 271 (IAC)
European Convention on Human Rights 3
England and Wales

Immigration, Human Rights

Updated: 30 December 2021; Ref: scu.547336