Glasgow School of Art v Taylor: EAT 14 Sep 2006

EAT Claimant found to have been unfairly dismissed in respect that when she was made redundant the respondents told her, in effect, not to bother applying for a new post that they were creating. The claimant did not, accordingly, apply for the post. The tribunal found that the chances of the claimant securing the post had she been fairly treated were 80%. The Respondents appealed against that finding on the grounds that it was perverse. The EAT upheld the appeal on that ground and substituted a finding that the chances of her securing the post were 20%.


Lady Smith


[2006] UKEAT 0011 – 06 – 1409, UKEATS/0011/06


Bailii, EAT


Updated: 09 July 2022; Ref: scu.247801