Fox Hayes v Financial Services Authority: FSMT 5 Oct 2007

FSMT FINANCIAL PROMOTIONS – approval of non-real time financial promotions for unauthorized overseas persons – whether Applicant was able to show that it had taken reasonable steps to ensure that promotions clear, fair and not misleading – yes – whether Applicant had no reason to doubt that the overseas persons would deal with customers in the UK in an honest and reliable way – yes until mid-November 2003 but no thereafter – whether Applicant arranged for confirmation (that the promotions complied with the rules) to be carried out by an individual with appropriate expertise – yes – whether Applicant conducted its business with due skill, care and diligence – yes – whether penalty of andpound;150,000 excessive – further submissions invited – FSMA 2000 Ss 21, 138 and 206 – Conduct of Business Rules 3.6.1; 3.8.4; 3.12.6; Principles for Businesses, Principle 2


[2007] UKFSM FSM047



Financial Services

Updated: 15 July 2022; Ref: scu.268199