Entreprise Peter Cremer v Bundesanstalt Fuer Landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung: ECJ 11 Oct 1977

ECJ Export refunds to third countries may under regulation no 171/64 of the commission of 30 October 1964 be granted for compound animal feeding-stuffs containing either cereals or cereal-based products or milk or milk products. Having regard to the objectives of the system of export refunds, an export refund for a compound animal feeding-stuff containing cereals or cereal-based products can be granted under regulation no 166/64 of the council of 30 October 1964 and regulation no 171/64 of the commission only where cereals or products to which regulation no 19 of the council of 4 April 1962 on the progressive establishment of a common organization of the markets in cereals applies are in fact contained in the mixture in significant proportions.
ECJ 1. Agriculture – common organization of the markets – compound feeding-stuffs for cattle – export to third countries – refund – grant – conditions – application to compound feeding-stuffs not containing powdered milk – (Regulation no 171/64 of the commission)
2. Agriculture – common organization of the markets – compound feeding-stuffs for cattle – export to third countries – refund – grant – conditions – composition of the product – minimum content – (Regulation no 166/64 of the council ; regulation no 171/64 of the commission)
1. Export refunds to third countries may under regulation no 171/64 of the commission of 30 october 1964 be granted for compound animal feeding-stuffs containing either cereals or cereal-based products or milk or milk products.
2. Having regard to the objectives of the system of export refunds , an export refund for a compound animal feeding-stuff containing cereals or cereal-based products can be granted under regulation no 166/64 of the council of 30 october 1964 and regulation no 171/64 of the commission only where cereals or products to which regulation no 19 of the council of 4 april 1962 on the progressive establishment of a common organization of the markets in cereals applies are in fact contained in the mixture in significant proportions.


R-125/76, [1977] EUECJ R-125/76, [1977] ECR 1593






Updated: 21 June 2022; Ref: scu.214570