The authority complained at the intended use by the respondent of a performance assessment issued by a third party. The Audit Commision appealed.
Held: The use of the third party assessment was proper where that body had the appropriate skills to make the assessment.
Walker J
[2005] EWHC 195 (Admin), Times 02-Mar-2005
England and Wales
Cited – Lavender v Minister of Housing and Local Government 1970
While it is not for the courts to interfere with the formulation or administration of the Minister’s planning policies, the Minister is not able to dictate the exercise of discretion on the basis of a policy mandate. . .
Cited by:
Appeal from – Audit Commission for England and Wales v Ealing London Borough Council CA 16-May-2005
The authority complained that the respondent intended to adopt the assessment of its performance the judgment of a third party.
Held: There had been no unlawful delegation of the Audit Commissions duties. The Commission for Social Care . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Local Government
Updated: 07 June 2022; Ref: scu.223381