Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (Central Government): ICO 10 Feb 2022

The complainant requested from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities information about a Stage 3 complaint outcome it had provided. The DLUHC initially responded to the request by denying that the information was held, but at a later stage refused to comply with the request under section 14(1) of the FOIA because it considered that the request was vexatious. The Commissioner’s decision is that the DLUHC was entitled to rely on section 14(1) to refuse to comply with the request. The Commissioner does not require the DLUHC to take any steps.
FOI 14(1): Complaint not upheld


[2022] UKICO ic-129500




England and Wales


Updated: 24 November 2022; Ref: scu.674869