Cobbett v Ludlam, Executor of Oldfield; 26 Nov 1855

References: [1855] EngR 839, (1855) 11 Exch 446, (1855) 156 ER 906
Links: Commonlii
O, the defendant’s testator, instituted a suit in Chancery for the administration of the estate and effects of C, the plaintiffs testator. An order was made by the Court of Chancery, that the plaintiff be restrained by injunction from interferlng with the estate or effects of C. The plaintiff brought an action against the defendant for an alleged infringement by O of C’s copyright in certain books
Held: First, that the action was in disobedience of the order of the Court of Chancery, since the damages, when recovered, would be assets of C. in the plaintiff’s hands. Secondly, that under the 226th section of the Common Law Procedure Act, 1852, this Court had jurisdiction to stay proceedings in the action, although no writ of injunction had issued.
Statutes: Common Law Procedure Act 1852 226