Clayton v Heffron; 17 Oct 1960

References: (1960) 105 CLR 214
Links: Austilii
Coram: Dixon CJ, McTiernan, Fullagar, Kitto, Taylor, Menzies and Windeyer JJ
(High Court of Australia) An Act was proposed to be introduced by the legislature to amend the constitution of New South Wales by abolishing the Legislative Council. There would be required first a vote in favour of that in a referendum. The proposed Act was to be passed under a procedure in s.5B of the New South Wales Constitution Act 1902-1956, whereby legislation could be enacted ultimately without the consent of the Legislative Council. S.5B had been introduced into the New South Wales Constitution by an enactment of the New South Wales legislature under s.5 of the Constitution Act which went: ‘The Legislature shall, subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, have power to make laws for the peace, welfare and good government of New South Wales in all cases whatsoever.’
Held: The Act was effective.
This case is cited by:

  • Cited – Regina on the Application of Jackson and others -v- HM Attorney General CA (Bailii, [2005] EWCA Civ 126, Times 17-Feb-05)
    The applicant asserted that the 2004 Act was invalid having been passed under the procedure in the 1949 Act, reducing the period by which the House of Lords could delay legislation; the 1949 Act was invalid, being delegated legislation, had used the . .
  • Cited – Jackson and others -v- Attorney General HL (House of Lords, [2005] UKHL 56, Times 14-Oct-05, Bailii, [2006] 1 AC 262, [2005] 2 WLR 87)
    The applicant sought to challenge the 2004 Hunting Act, saying that it had been passed under the provisions of the 1949 Parliament Act which was itself an unlawful extension of the powers given by the 1911 Parliament Act to allow the House of . .