Cherwell District Council (Local Government): ICO 12 Nov 2021

The complainant has requested information held by Cherwell District Council (the council) relating to a building control application for a particular housing development. The Commissioner’s decision is that regulation 5(3) of the EIR applies to certain parts of the request, as it is the complainant’s own personal data. With regard to the remaining parts of the request, the Commissioner is satisfied that, on the balance of probabilities, the council has provided the complainant with all the information that it holds. However, as some of the information was only provided to the complainant after the intervention of the Commissioner, and not within the required 20 working days, the council has breached regulation 5(2) of the EIR.
EIR 5(3): Complaint not upheld EIR 5(1): Complaint not upheld EIR 5(2): Complaint upheld


[2021] UKICO ic-69455




England and Wales


Updated: 21 January 2023; Ref: scu.675060