Cable et Al v United Kingdom: ECHR 18 Feb 1999

The English Courts martial system did not give a fair trial because the role of the convening officer meant that the tribunal was not sufficiently independent or impartial since the officer might outrank the court and could dissolve the proceedings.
ECHR Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) – Violation of Art. 6-1; Pecuniary damage – claim rejected; Non-pecuniary damage – finding of violation sufficient; Costs and expenses partial award – Convention proceedings.


L Wildhaber P


Times 11-Mar-1999, (2000) 30 EHRR 1032, 24436/94;24582/94;24583/94;, [1999] ECHR 8




European Convention on Human Rights

Human Rights, Armed Forces, Criminal Practice

Updated: 19 May 2022; Ref: scu.78815