Braybrook v The Basildon and Thurrock University NHS Trust; 7 Oct 2004

References: [2004] EWHC 3352
Coram: Sumner J
Sumner J gave guidance on the withdrawal of an admission under the CPR: ‘From the cases and the CPR I draw the following principals:
1. In exercising its discretion, the court will consider all the circumstances of the case and seek to give effect to the overriding objective.
2. Among the matters to be considered will be:
(a) The reasons and justifications for the Application which must be made in good faith;
(b) The balance of the prejudice to the parties and whether a party has been the author of any prejudice they might suffer;
(c) The prospect of success of any issue arising from the withdrawal of an admission;
(d) The public interest in avoiding possible satellite litigation, disproportionate use of court resources and the impact of any strategic manoeuvoring.
3. The nearer any Application is to a final hearing, the less chance of success it will have, even if the party making the Application can establish clear prejudice. This may be decisive if the application is made shortly before the hearing.’
Statutes: Civil Procedure Rules 14
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