Boukadoura Maritime Corporation v Societe Anonyme Marocaine de L’Industrie et due Raffinage: ‘The BOUKADOURA’: 1989

References: [1989] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.393
Coram: Evans J
A claused bill of lading is one which qualifies the apparent good order and condition of the cargo as described in the bill of lading.
This case is cited by:

  • Cited – Sea Success Maritime Inc -v- African Maritime Carriers Ltd ComC (Bailii, [2005] EWHC 1542 (Comm), Times 06-Sep-05)
    The ship’s master had refused to accept the cargo relying on clause 52 of the standard form charterpraty agreement saying that the cargo had been damaged.
    Held: Only if the shippers continued to insist on the description, and the master . .