The applicant sought cancellation of an alert issued by the respondent as to the thereat posed by his medical practice. The alert was issued without prior notification to him. Though complaints were penidng against him, no decsision had been made to supend him from practice as a registered general nurse.
Held: The issue of an alert was a serious step. The alert had been maintained because of the pending investigation and complaint. The professional body had decided not to suspend the comaplainant, and the Doctor who had decided to continue the alert had failed properly to allow for this. The deicision first to issue the notice had been correct. The decision later not to quash it was plainly wrong, and it should be reconsidered.
Bean J
[2005] EWHC 1358 (Admin)
Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors (Professional Conduct) Rules 1993
England and Wales
Cited – Regina v Regional Director of Public Director (Health?) ex parte X 29-Jun-2000
(name?) An alert letter issued by the Department of Health as to the unsafety of a practioner may clearly be ‘gravely prejudicial to a practitioner seeking employment’. . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Health Professions
Updated: 20 December 2022; Ref: scu.228218