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McBraida Plc v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Zero-Rating : Transport): FTTTx 22 Jan 2019

VALUE ADDED TAX – zero-rating under paragraph 2A of Group 8 to Schedule 8 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 for supplies of aircraft engine parts – whether the Appellant has sufficient evidence to establish that the conditions for zero-rating under that provision have been met – yes, in relation to some of the … Continue reading McBraida Plc v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Zero-Rating : Transport): FTTTx 22 Jan 2019

ETP Card Processing Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 18 Apr 2013

FTTTx VAT – appeal against the penalty imposed for failure to submit an EC Sales List by the due date- appellant did not receive penalty notice in accordance with Section 66(2) and (3) of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 – appeal allowed Citations: [2013] UKFTT 243 (TC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Value Added Tax Act … Continue reading ETP Card Processing Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 18 Apr 2013

Midlands Co-Operative Society Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs: CA 9 Apr 2008

The tax-payer had assigned it’s business to the claimant, and with it the right to reclaim overpaid VAT. The commissioners appealed a finding that the right to claim a refund was assignable. Held: The appeal failed. The statute would have to have included a prohibition on assignment for one to be in place: ‘It was … Continue reading Midlands Co-Operative Society Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs: CA 9 Apr 2008

HiBT Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 17 Jan 2007

VALUE ADDED TAX – Exemptions – Education – Company in the business of providing educational courses to fee-paying students – Recognition Agreement between company and university – Whether supply of educational courses by company exempt – Whether educational courses supplied by eligible body – Whether company a college of a university – Value Added Tax … Continue reading HiBT Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 17 Jan 2007

Knightsbridge Accountants Ltd v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Assessment To Recover Disallowed Input Tax): FTTTx 9 Feb 2021

VAT – assessment to recover disallowed input tax – section 24 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 and regulations 13 and 14 of the Value Added Tax Regulations 1995 – whether input tax correctly disallowed – yes – appeal dismissed Citations: [2021] UKFTT 39 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 30 … Continue reading Knightsbridge Accountants Ltd v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Assessment To Recover Disallowed Input Tax): FTTTx 9 Feb 2021

Long and Another v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 28 Jan 2021

VALUE ADDED TAX – DIY Housebuilders’ Scheme – Retrospective Planning Permission obtained after claim for VAT refund submitted -whether work lawful – whether building designed as a dwelling – whether claim valid – Section 35 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – Note 2 of Group 5 in Schedule 8 to Value Added Tax Act 1994 … Continue reading Long and Another v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 28 Jan 2021

Jarvis v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Penalty for Dishonest Evasion): FTTTx 27 Jan 2020

VALUE ADDED TAX – penalty for dishonest evasion of VAT – liability of officer of company – ss 60 and 61 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – was appellant dishonest – ability of officer to appeal against the amount of the penalty – amount of reduction for co-operation during HMRC’s investigation – appeal dismissed Citations: … Continue reading Jarvis v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Penalty for Dishonest Evasion): FTTTx 27 Jan 2020

St James Marketing Ltd v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Default Surcharge Assessment): FTTTx 15 Dec 2020

VAT – default surcharge assessment pursuant to s 59 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – electronic submission of VAT return pursuant to Regulation 25A Value Added Tax Regulations 1995 and online payment of VAT – whether reasonable excuse established for late payment of VAT – no – appeal dismissed Citations: [2020] UKFTT 505 (TC) Links: … Continue reading St James Marketing Ltd v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Default Surcharge Assessment): FTTTx 15 Dec 2020

RSR Sports Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Exemption): FTTTx 7 Nov 2019

VALUE ADDED TAX – exemption in Article 132(1)(h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EEC and item 9 of Group 7 of Schedule 9 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether services provided by the Appellant as operator of school holiday camps were ‘services . . closely linked to the protection of children and young persons’ … Continue reading RSR Sports Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Exemption): FTTTx 7 Nov 2019

Premier Family Martial Arts Llp v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Private Tuition Exemption): FTTTx 3 Jan 2020

VALUE ADDED TAX – private tuition exemption – whether teaching kickboxing is ‘tuition . . covering school . . education’ – no, because kickboxing is not an activity which is commonly taught at schools or universities in the European Union – however, if it had been, kickboxing would not have been prevented from qualifying for … Continue reading Premier Family Martial Arts Llp v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Private Tuition Exemption): FTTTx 3 Jan 2020

Qolaminejite v Revenue and Customs (Income Tax/Value Added Tax – Undeclared Trading Income): FTTTx 2 Dec 2019

INCOME TAX/VALUE ADDED TAX – whether Appellant had undeclared trading income – time limit for issuing discovery assessment – whether Appellant’s VAT returns were inaccurate – whether Appellant liable for penalty for failure to file self-assessment tax returns – s 93 Taxes Management Act 1970 – whether Appellant’s conduct dishonest/deliberate – s 60 Value Added … Continue reading Qolaminejite v Revenue and Customs (Income Tax/Value Added Tax – Undeclared Trading Income): FTTTx 2 Dec 2019

Mackenzie Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Procedure : Application for Permission To Notify Appeal Out of Time): FTTTx 6 Dec 2019

PROCEDURE – application for permission to notify appeal out of time – section 83G of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 – Martland applied – principle of legal certainty -application refused Citations: [2019] UKFTT 739 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 24 November 2022; Ref: scu.646932

Virgin Media Ltd v Revenue and Customs:: UTTC 8 Apr 2020

VAT – value of supply – Value Added Tax Act 1994, schedule 6, paragraph 4 – goods or services supplied on terms allowing a discount for prompt payment – ‘the supply’ – the ‘terms’ of the supply – whether ‘allowing a discount for prompt payment’ – whether appellant could rely on schedule 6 paragraph 4 … Continue reading Virgin Media Ltd v Revenue and Customs:: UTTC 8 Apr 2020

Snow Factor Ltd v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 21 Jan 2020

VALUE ADDED TAX – sale of lift pass at indoor ski and snowboard centre – whether supply of transport chargeable at reduced rate (yes) or supply of right to use ski slope chargeable at standard rate (no) – VATA 1994, Schedule 7A, Group 13, Item 1 – appeal allowed. Citations: [2020] UKUT 25 (TCC) Links: … Continue reading Snow Factor Ltd v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 21 Jan 2020

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Blom-Cooper: CA 4 Apr 2003

The taxpayer appealed a decision that a conversion of a non-residential part of a building used for business and residential purposes was not exempt from VAT. Held: The building was not within the definition of a self contained residential building. If separate parts could be buildings, no part would satisfy the definition of a building … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Blom-Cooper: CA 4 Apr 2003

Dunbar v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – DIY House Builders Scheme): FTTTx 13 Dec 2019

VALUE ADDED TAX – DIY House Builders Scheme – s 35 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – Regulation 201 Value Added Tax Regulations 1995 – date of the completion of the building – whether claim made within the relevant time limit – appeal allowed Citations: [2019] UKFTT 747 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales … Continue reading Dunbar v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – DIY House Builders Scheme): FTTTx 13 Dec 2019

Eastbourne Town Radio Cars Association v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 12 May 1998

Whether an unincorporated association was liable to registration on subscriptions paid by members, was not merely a matter of its constitution, but of what in reality members received for their subscriptions. If those were services of a VATable nature, then the subscriptions were chargeable. Citations: Times 12-May-1998, Gazette 10-Jun-1998, [1998] EWCA Civ 785 Statutes: Value … Continue reading Eastbourne Town Radio Cars Association v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 12 May 1998

The’Spotting The Ball’ Partnership and Others v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 5 Mar 2013

FTTTx VAT – exemption for games of chance – whether it applies to ‘Spot the Ball’ – whether ‘Spot the Ball’ is a ‘game’ – held yes – whether it is a ‘game of chance’ – held yes -exemption from VAT under group 4, Schedule 9 Value Added Tax Act 1994 and predecessor provisions therefore … Continue reading The’Spotting The Ball’ Partnership and Others v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 5 Mar 2013

Cross (T/A Euromarques) v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 7 Mar 2013

Application by Respondents to have the Appellant’s appeal struck out in accordance with rule 8(3)(c) of the Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber) Rules 2009.The Respondents say that the Application is made since the matter concerned is not an appealable matter under Section 83 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 (‘VATA’) and as such … Continue reading Cross (T/A Euromarques) v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 7 Mar 2013

Westinsure Group Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 11 Feb 2013

FTTTx VAT – exemption for provision of services of an insurance intermediary – whether exemption applies to services provided to facilitate insurance brokers obtaining better terms and related benefits from insurance companies and other insurance related services – Article 135 (1)(a) Directive 2006/112 EC- Schedule 4 Group 2 Value Added Tax Act 1994 Citations: [2013] … Continue reading Westinsure Group Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 11 Feb 2013

Shand Security Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 1 Feb 2013

FTTTx VAT – decision to require security – paragraph 4(2)(a) Schedule 11 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether decision to require security reasonable – held yes – whether amount of security fair and reasonable – held yes – comments in Goldhaven v HMCE and John Dee Ltd v HMCE applied – appeal dismissed Citations: … Continue reading Shand Security Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 1 Feb 2013

Cadbury v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 4 Feb 2013

FTTTx VALUE ADDED TAX – Import of motor cruiser – Value Added Tax Act 1994 Schedule 8 Group 12 item 2 (i) – whether import zero rated under relief provisions relating to use by persons with disabilities – No – Appeal dismissed Citations: [2013] UKFTT 97 (TC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Value Added Tax Act 1994 … Continue reading Cadbury v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 4 Feb 2013

Chi Drinks Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 1 Feb 2013

FTTTX VAT – zero rating – food – coconut water – is it a beverage? – yes – supplies held to be standard rated – Group 1, Schedule 8, VAT Act 1994 Citations: [2013] UKFTT 94 (TC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Value Added Tax Act 1994 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Vat Updated: 14 November 2022; Ref: … Continue reading Chi Drinks Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 1 Feb 2013

Brockenhurst College v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 5 Nov 2012

FTTTx Value Added Tax – Group 6 Schedule 9 VATA 1994 – Supply of Education -Whether catering and entertainment closely related supplies -Whether exempt supplies – Yes – Appeal Allowed. Citations: [2013] UKFTT 153 (TC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Value Added Tax Act 1994 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Appeal from – HM Revenue and … Continue reading Brockenhurst College v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 5 Nov 2012

De Ferranti v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 30 Jun 2011

Value Added Tax; economic activities; business; sale of venison; postal services; whether sale of wild venison from large remote highland estate constitutes an economic activity; whether contract with Royal Mail for delivery of mail to remote location constitutes an economic activity. Value Added Tax Act 1994 ss 1, 2, 4 and 94 EC Council Directive … Continue reading De Ferranti v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 30 Jun 2011

Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra v Revenue and Customs: CA 9 Oct 2006

The Orchestra apealed a finding that it was not entitled to exemption from VAT as a supply by an eligible body of a cultural performance. The taxpayer’s board was voluntary, but the management was employed. Held: The appeal failed. In order to decide whether the condition allowing exemption was satisfied, the court had to identify … Continue reading Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra v Revenue and Customs: CA 9 Oct 2006

Lucky Technology Limited v Revenue and Customs (VAT : Face-Value Vouchers): FTTTx 22 Sep 2022

Value Added Tax Act 1994. Value Added Tax Regulations 1995. Face-value vouchers, redeemable on the online games platform ‘Steam’, owned by Valve Corporation. Vouchers sold to appellant by a concession run by DSG Retail Limited within Harrods Limited. Whether single purpose vouchers within the meaning of paragraph 7A of Schedule 10 to the Value Added … Continue reading Lucky Technology Limited v Revenue and Customs (VAT : Face-Value Vouchers): FTTTx 22 Sep 2022

Medacy Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Supply of Staff or Supply of Services): FTTTx 13 Sep 2019

VALUE ADDED TAX – supply of staff or supply of services consisting in the provision of medical care – provision of pharmacist led clinical services – article 132(1)(c) Principal VAT Directive – exemption for medical care – item 3 and note (2A) group 7 schedule 9 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – appeal allowed Citations: … Continue reading Medacy Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Supply of Staff or Supply of Services): FTTTx 13 Sep 2019

Revenue and Customs v BUPA Purchasing Ltd and others: CA 12 Jun 2007

The Commissioner had made an assessment to VAT, and the time limits for making a further assessment had passed before the tax payer became aware that he might be due to deduct further input tax. Held: The taxpayer was not entitled to furher reduce the amount of VAT due in the assessment. Judges: Arden LJ … Continue reading Revenue and Customs v BUPA Purchasing Ltd and others: CA 12 Jun 2007

Franks and Franks v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Diy Builders): FTTTx 11 Feb 2020

VALUE ADDED TAX – DIY builders – claim under Section 35 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 to recover VAT on goods and services supplied in relation to the construction of a dwelling where the revised planning permission referring to the new dwelling was granted after some of the goods and services were supplied … Continue reading Franks and Franks v Revenue and Customs (Value Added Tax – Diy Builders): FTTTx 11 Feb 2020

Wedgbury and Stephen Wedgbury v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Refunds for DIY Housebuilders): FTTTx 2 Mar 2020

VAT – refunds for DIY housebuilders – Value Added Tax Act 1994, section 35 – Value Added Tax Regulations 1995, regulations 200 and 201 – whether or not the claims were made no later than three months after the completion of the buildings – yes – appeals allowed’ Citations: [2020] UKFTT 125 (TC) Links: Bailii … Continue reading Wedgbury and Stephen Wedgbury v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Refunds for DIY Housebuilders): FTTTx 2 Mar 2020

Proffitt v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Builders : Do -It-Yourself): FTTTx 28 Feb 2020

VALUE ADDED TAX – DIY House Builders scheme – Section 35 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – Regulation 201 Value Added Tax Regulations 1995 – date of completion of the building – divergent lines of authority – Fraser preferred – whether claim made in time in circumstances of case – yes – appeal allowed Citations: … Continue reading Proffitt v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Builders : Do -It-Yourself): FTTTx 28 Feb 2020

Data Select v HM Revenue and Customs: UTTC 1 Jun 2012

UTLC VALUE ADDED TAX – application to First-tier Tribunal for extension of time to appeal under section 83G(1) and (6) of Value Added Tax Act 1994 – legal test to be applied to application for extension of time – First-tier Tribunal applied correct legal test – decision not perverse – no error of law – … Continue reading Data Select v HM Revenue and Customs: UTTC 1 Jun 2012

Yeabsley Financial Solutions Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 29 May 2012

FTTTx Value Added Tax – Flat Rate Scheme – Trader seeking to withdraw retrospectively – permission refused by Respondents – Whether refusal ‘reasonable’ – Sections 83-84 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – Reg. 55 of VAT Regs. 1995 – Appeal dismissed Citations: [2012] UKFTT 358 (TC) Links: Bailii VAT Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.462773

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 6 Oct 2022

VALUE ADDED TAX – supply of car parking by NHS Trust – Article 13(1) PVD – s41A VATA 1994 – whether the trust was engaged in the activity as a public authority – whether supply was provided under a special legal regime – whether treating the trust as non-taxable in respect of the activity would … Continue reading Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust v Revenue and Customs: UTTC 6 Oct 2022

Westland Horticulture Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Procedure : Value Added Tax): FTTTx 25 Jul 2019

VALUE ADDED TAX – Value Added Tax Act 1994, section 30(2) and Group 1 of Schedule 8 – zero-rating – whether a lawn repair product is seed for growing grass for animal feed – no – the product is standard-rated – appeal dismissed Citations: [2019] UKFTT 480 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT … Continue reading Westland Horticulture Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Procedure : Value Added Tax): FTTTx 25 Jul 2019

Regina v Dealy: CACD 13 Dec 1994

Evasion of VAT does not require proof of intent to permanently deprive, ‘evasion’ can consist in a deferment, rather than permanent evasion, of a liability. Citations: Times 13-Dec-1994, [1995] STC 217 Statutes: Value Added Tax Act 1983 39(1) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Cited – Zen Internet Ltd v Customs and Excise VDT 5-Apr-2004 … Continue reading Regina v Dealy: CACD 13 Dec 1994

Luke v Revenue and Customs (Procedure : Value Added Tax – Zero Rating – Recovery of Tax): FTTTx 31 Jul 2019

Value Added Tax – zero rating – recovery of tax – taxpayer granted planning permission for construction of new dwelling and detached garaging – first floor of garage includes sitting/dining area with kitchen units, two bedrooms and bathroom – planning permission has condition that accommodation on first floor of garage shall be brought into ancillary … Continue reading Luke v Revenue and Customs (Procedure : Value Added Tax – Zero Rating – Recovery of Tax): FTTTx 31 Jul 2019

Florida Foods Ltd (T/A Subway) v Revenue and Customs (Procedure : Whether Valid Appeal Made To The Tribunal): FTTTx 25 Jul 2019

PROCEDURE – whether valid appeal made to the Tribunal – ss 83C, 83F and 83G Value Added Tax Act 1994 – yes – whether to reinstate proceedings following earlier strike-out under rule 8(1) of the Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (Tax Chamber) Rules 2009 – no Citations: [2019] UKFTT 477 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and … Continue reading Florida Foods Ltd (T/A Subway) v Revenue and Customs (Procedure : Whether Valid Appeal Made To The Tribunal): FTTTx 25 Jul 2019

Baig (T/A Zara Trading Company) v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Appeals : Entertainment of Appeal): FTTTx 19 Feb 2019

Procedure – application to reinstate appeal out of time – Rule 17 FTT Rules- whether application precluded by section 85(4)Value Added Tax Act 1994 – yes – whether if not so precluded appeal should be reinstated – no Citations: [2019] UKFTT 127 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 25 October 2022; Ref: … Continue reading Baig (T/A Zara Trading Company) v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Appeals : Entertainment of Appeal): FTTTx 19 Feb 2019

Libby’s Market Place Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Procedure : Other): FTTTx 28 Sep 2018

PROCEDURE – Appeal withdrawn – Late application for reinstatement – Whether power to reinstate under rule 17 Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (Tax Chamber) Rules 2009 precluded by s 85(4) Value Added Tax Act 1994 – Yes – OWD Ltd (t/a Birmingham Cash and Carry) v HMRC [2018] UKFTT 497 (TC) applied Citations: [2018] UKFTT 563 … Continue reading Libby’s Market Place Ltd v Revenue and Customs (Procedure : Other): FTTTx 28 Sep 2018

Martin Yaffe International Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 14 Jul 2005

VDT VALUE ADDED TAX – import VAT – Simplified Import VAT Accounting (‘SIVA’) – trader authorised to defer payment with nil security – default in accounting for domestic VAT – whether sufficient without more to justify revocation of nil security requirement – criteria to be considered – whether trader representing risk to the revenue – … Continue reading Martin Yaffe International Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 14 Jul 2005

Serfilco Europe Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 23 Feb 2007

VALUE ADDED TAX – pump manufacturer – goods originally intended to be supplied and delivered to Hong Kong – delays – goods actually supplied and delivered to a site in UK – appellant zero rated the supplies – should have been standard rated – sections 1(1)(a), 7(2) and section 30 VAT Act 1994 – appeal … Continue reading Serfilco Europe Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 23 Feb 2007

Berck Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 23 Feb 2007

BAD DEBT RELIEF – debt written off on management buyout – was there consideration for the write off – yes – is appellant entitled to bad debt relief – no – Value Added Tax Act 1994 section 36 – appeal dismissed Citations: [2007] UKVAT V20051 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 22 October … Continue reading Berck Ltd v Revenue and Customs: VDT 23 Feb 2007

Future Components Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 2 Mar 2010

FTTTx VALUE ADDED TAX – repayment supplement – VATA 1994, s 79 – period between submission of return and repayment exceeding 30 days – whether supplement due – whether Commissioners’ inquiries of a kind to ‘stop the clock’ – yes – whether checks into the credibility of transactions amount to inquiries – yes – appeal … Continue reading Future Components Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 2 Mar 2010

Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Institute of Directors, BAA Plc v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 11 Dec 2002

The court examined arrangements whereby organisations which were not banks, endorsed credit cards to be issued by banks to their members. Held: The granting of credit was exempt from VAT, and also were exempted negotiations of credit and the provision of intermediary services. It was wrong to seek to characterise the arrangement as the mere … Continue reading Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Institute of Directors, BAA Plc v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 11 Dec 2002

HM Revenue and Customs v Burke: ChD 10 Jun 2009

The Revenue appealed against an order allowing the taxpayer retrospective entry into the Flat-Rate Scheme allowed under the section. Citations: [2010] BVC 563, [2009] EWHC 2587 (Ch) Links: Bailii Statutes: Value Added Tax Act 1994 26B Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 19 October 2022; Ref: scu.424104

Red 12 Trading Ltd v Revenue and Customs: ChD 20 Oct 2009

Appeal against refusal to allow reclaim of input tax in case of alleged ‘Missing Trader Intracommunity Fraud’. Held: Christopher Clarke J said: ‘Examining individual transactions on their merits does not, however, require them to be regarded in isolation without regard to their attendant circumstances and context. Nor does it require the tribunal to ignore compelling … Continue reading Red 12 Trading Ltd v Revenue and Customs: ChD 20 Oct 2009

Balhousie Holdings Ltd v Revenue and Customs: SC 31 Mar 2021

(Scotland) The Court was asked ‘Did the sale and leaseback of a care home involve the disposal of the owner’s entire interest, such that it effectively lost the benefit of zero-rating under paragraph 36(2) of Schedule 10 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994?’ Judges: Lord Hodge, Deputy President, Lord Briggs, Lady Arden, Lord Sales, … Continue reading Balhousie Holdings Ltd v Revenue and Customs: SC 31 Mar 2021

Bourne v The Commissioner for Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 1 Jul 2010

VALUE ADDED TAX -‘DIY Builders’ Scheme’ – claim for relief under s 35 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether works carried out in the course or furtherance of any business – appeal dismissed. LEGITIMATE EXPECTATION – Appellant claimed to have been misled by HMRC guidance – whether jurisdiction under s 83 Value Added Tax … Continue reading Bourne v The Commissioner for Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 1 Jul 2010

Emerchantpay Ltd v Revenue and Customs (..): FTTTx 9 Sep 2022

VAT Whether Supplies Made By The Appellant Are Properly Categorised As Financial Intermediation and, therefore, exempt under Item 5, Group 5 of Schedule 9 to the Value Added Tax Act 1994. Volker Ludwig v Finanzamt Luckenwalde (Case C-453/05) and CSC Financial Services [2001] ECRI-10237 considered. Held: the Appellant’s supplies are exempt. Citations: [2022] UKFTT 334 … Continue reading Emerchantpay Ltd v Revenue and Customs (..): FTTTx 9 Sep 2022

Computational Structural Mechanics Ltd v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Input Tax : Other): FTTTx 8 Mar 2019

VALUE ADDED TAX – Input Tax – invoice from an associated business to another business – same owner and sole director – whether a supply and a continuous supply – yes- amounts incurred in connection with a residential property – whether de minimus reclaim allowable – yes. Value Added Tax Act 1994, sections 24, 25, … Continue reading Computational Structural Mechanics Ltd v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Input Tax : Other): FTTTx 8 Mar 2019

Rayknight Enterprises Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 19 Mar 2014

VAT – penalty for late submission of EC Sales List- section 66 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – four month delay by HMRC after 100 day penalty period in issuing penalty notice – whether reasonable excuse – fairness – proportionality – Hok and Total Technology decisions of Upper Tribunal applied – appeal dismissed- comments on … Continue reading Rayknight Enterprises Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 19 Mar 2014

Dear v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 10 Mar 2010

FTTTx VALUE ADDED TAX – 3 year cap – Repayment overpayment VAT requested more than three years after the end of the prescribed period in which assessment made – s.80(4) Value Added Tax Act 1994 consideredINFLATED ASSESSMENT REGIME – Implications considered – s.73(8) Value Added Tax Act 1994 Citations: [2010] UKFTT 111 (TC) Links: Bailii … Continue reading Dear v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 10 Mar 2010

Sloan v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 18 Nov 2009

VAT – Notice of Assessment – Appellant contractor – underdeclaration of output tax revealed upon investigation – Notice of Assessment – taxpayer claims use of sub-contractors to whom payments made – payments in cash – invoices produced – irregularities in form – absence of receipts – absence of other proofs of payment – Appellant claims … Continue reading Sloan v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 18 Nov 2009

Health Response UK v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 19 Mar 2010

FTTTx Value Added Tax – whether the Appellant rendered one composite service, or two or more distinct services – whether the service, if one composite service, was of medical services – whether the Appellant company was treated, by Note 2 to Group 9 of Schedule 5 to VAT Act 1994, as being amongst the category … Continue reading Health Response UK v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 19 Mar 2010

Major Micros Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 10 Mar 2010

FTTTx Value Added Tax – Repayment supplement – VATA 1994 s.79 – Period between submission of return and repayment exceeding 30 days – Whether supplement due – Commissioners stated believed Appellant not involved in fraud – At time Commissioners wrongly believed any participant in a fraudulent chain could not reclaim input tax because no economic … Continue reading Major Micros Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 10 Mar 2010

Colaingrove Limited v The Commissioners for Customs and Excise: ChD 16 Apr 2003

The Directive exempted from a charge to VAT for letting of imoveable property. The taxpayer challenged the requirement to charge to VAT his business of leasing pitches for caravans. Held: The directive allowed member states to derogate from the exemptions. That is what the UK had done. Judges: The Honourable Mr Justice Jacob Citations: [2003] … Continue reading Colaingrove Limited v The Commissioners for Customs and Excise: ChD 16 Apr 2003

Ashfield District Council v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: ChD 30 Nov 2001

The council were liable to pay grants for building works. They wished to set the VAT element as an input tax. The Commissioners refused. Did the builders supply their services to the house owners, or to the council who paid the bill. The Act allowed the council to pay the sum direct to the builder. … Continue reading Ashfield District Council v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: ChD 30 Nov 2001

Franked Investment Income Group Litigation, The Test Claimants In v Revenue and Customs: CA 24 Nov 2016

Judges: Sir Geoffrey Charles Vos Ch, Underhill, David Richards LJJ Citations: [2016] EWCA Civ 1180, [2017] STC 696, [2016] BTC 44, [2017] 1 CMLR 37 Links: Bailii Statutes: Value Added Tax Act 1994 94 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: At ChD – The Test Claimants In The FII Group Litigation v The Commissioners of Inland … Continue reading Franked Investment Income Group Litigation, The Test Claimants In v Revenue and Customs: CA 24 Nov 2016

Investment Trust Companies v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 2 Mar 2012

The claimant had properly accounted for VAT on its transactions for many years, but a decision of the European court had latterly ruled that the services were exempt. The claimant sought restitution from HMRC, who responded by arguing that substantial parts of the claim were out of time. Held: 1. That, using the notional figures … Continue reading Investment Trust Companies v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 2 Mar 2012

Littlewoods Retail Ltd and Others v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 19 May 2010

The claimants had overpaid large sums of VAT over several years, and been, eventually, refunded, with simple interest. The claimants now said that the interest should have been compounded. The revenue contended that such a claim was excluded under European law. Held: As a matter of statutory construction, the claims were excluded by sections 78 … Continue reading Littlewoods Retail Ltd and Others v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 19 May 2010

FJ Chalke Ltd and Another v Revenue and Customs: ChD 8 May 2009

The court was asked as to the effectiveness under European law of sections 78 and 80 of the 1994 Act. Held: Henderson J focused on the fact that section 80(7) excludes any common law liability to repay the overpaid VAT, and inferred that it must also exclude any common law liability to pay interest: ‘the … Continue reading FJ Chalke Ltd and Another v Revenue and Customs: ChD 8 May 2009

Longborough Festival Opera v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 27 Jan 2006

The charitable company sought tax exemption as an eligible body supplying music of a cultural nature. Held: the company’s artciles prohibited distribution of profits, and the management as by directors having no financial interest. Judges: Lightman J Citations: [2006] EWHC 40 (Ch), Times 06-Feb-2006 Links: Bailii Statutes: Tribunals and Enquiries Act 1992 11, Value Added … Continue reading Longborough Festival Opera v HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 27 Jan 2006

Krystal Hosting Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 4 Nov 2020

VALUE ADDED TAX – VAT Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) Scheme – Cancellation of registration -whether the appellant had persistently failed to comply with its obligations – paragraph 7(e) Schedule 3BA Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether HMRC had issued reminders in relation to late VAT returns in accordance with Article 58b(2)(a) and Article … Continue reading Krystal Hosting Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 4 Nov 2020

Da Costa and Co (a Firm) and Collins v Thames Magistrates Court and H M Commissioners of Customs and Excise: QBD 25 Jan 2002

The claimant sought to challenge search warrants issued by the respondents. The warrants were criticised as being too widely drawn, and in breach of the 1984 Act. Criticism was also made of the implementation of the searches, in the use of excess numbers of officers, and the taking of images of hard disks, thus acquiring … Continue reading Da Costa and Co (a Firm) and Collins v Thames Magistrates Court and H M Commissioners of Customs and Excise: QBD 25 Jan 2002

Midlands Co-Operative Society Ltd v the Commissioners of HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 19 Jun 2007

The taxpayer had made a trasnfer of engagements. There was due to it a sum for overpayment of VAT. The revenue said that the claim could not be transferred. Held: the taxpayer’s appeal succeeded. Nothing in the statutory code operated to make such a transfer impossible. Judges: Blackburne J Citations: [2007] EWHC 1432 (Ch), Times … Continue reading Midlands Co-Operative Society Ltd v the Commissioners of HM Revenue and Customs: ChD 19 Jun 2007

Star Services Oxford Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 22 Aug 2022

Vat – Lease Rental Invoices – whether the requirements of s 24 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994 and reg. 111 of the Value Added Tax Regulations 1995 were met – no – whether the Appellant held a valid VAT invoice which entitled it to claim input tax – no — appeal dismissed Citations: … Continue reading Star Services Oxford Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 22 Aug 2022

Colaingrove Ltd v the Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 19 Feb 2004

The taxpayer licensed static caravans on seasonal pitches on its land. They claimed exemption from charging VAT on the basis that they were residential lettings exempt under European legislation. Held: The appeal failed. The legislation exempted the purchase of static caravans, but explicilty not ‘the supply of accomodation in a caravan or houseboat.’ There was … Continue reading Colaingrove Ltd v the Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 19 Feb 2004

Totel Ltd, Regina (on The Application of) v The First Tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) and Others: Admn 24 Mar 2011

The claimant sought to appeal against refusal of relief from payment of sums assessed by way of penalty, on the basis of hardship. HMRC argued that the right of appeal underthe 2007 Act had been taken away by the 1994 Act. Judges: Simon J Citations: [2012] QB 358, [2011] BVC 211, [2012] 2 WLR 435, … Continue reading Totel Ltd, Regina (on The Application of) v The First Tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) and Others: Admn 24 Mar 2011

Leyton Sixth Form College v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 13 Nov 2013

FTTTx VALUE ADDED TAX – construction of buildings – whether zero-rated or standard-rated supplies – whether construction of a building by a college was an enlargement of, or an extension to, an existing building, or the construction of an annexe to an existing building – whether, if an annexe, it was capable of functioning independently … Continue reading Leyton Sixth Form College v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 13 Nov 2013

UK Storage Company (Sw) Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 12 Aug 2011

FTTTx VAT – Item 1 of Group 1, Sch 9 Value Added Tax Act 1994 – whether licence to occupy land an exempt supply or standard rated supply of storage facilities – whether storage units ‘immovable property’ – predominant purpose of supply Citations: [2011] UKFTT 549 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: … Continue reading UK Storage Company (Sw) Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 12 Aug 2011

Kalron Foods Ltd v Revenue and Customs: ChD 30 Mar 2007

Appeal against finding that Kalron’s product, ‘Zumo Fresh Blend’ is a ‘beverage’ within Item No 4 of the Excepted items in Part 2 Group 1 Schedule 8 Value Added Tax Act 1994 (‘VATA’) and thus standard rated. Judges: Warren J Citations: [2007] EWHC 695 (Ch) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 02 September … Continue reading Kalron Foods Ltd v Revenue and Customs: ChD 30 Mar 2007

College of Estate Management v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 11 Aug 2004

When offering courses to distance learning students, the College offered materials for the courses. As part of the course this supply would be exempt, as books, the supply would be zero-rated, but the taxpayer would be able to reclaim its VAT inputs. Held: ‘There clearly was a separate supply of goods, namely the printed material … Continue reading College of Estate Management v Commissioners of Customs and Excise: CA 11 Aug 2004

Mithras (Wine Bars): UTTC 5 Mar 2010

UTTC Value Added Tax – Assessment in default of proper returns by taxpayer – Function of First-tier Tribunal – Supervisory jurisdiction wrongly applied – Matter remitted to First-tier Tribunal to determine correct amounts of tax – VAT Act 1994 s.73(1) Citations: [2010] UKUT 115 (TCC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT Updated: 01 September … Continue reading Mithras (Wine Bars): UTTC 5 Mar 2010

Nabarro v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 9 May 2014

FTTTx VAT – Reduced Rate – Whether ‘qualifying conversion’ – Whether one or two dwellings – Whether single building – Items 1 and 2 Group 6 and Note 3(1)(a) Schedule 7A Value Added Tax Act 1994 – Appeal allowed Citations: [2014] UKFTT 633 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales VAT, Construction Updated: 31 August … Continue reading Nabarro v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 9 May 2014

Glaxosmithkline Services Unlimited v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 3 Sep 2010

VALUE ADDED TAX – Zero-rating – Food – Food of a kind used for human consumption – Beverage – Lucozade Sport – Taxpayer producing and selling sports drink containing carbohydrates and electrolytes – Designed to provide energy to persons engaged in high intensity sport and exercise – Whether product zero-rated as food or standard-rated as … Continue reading Glaxosmithkline Services Unlimited v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 3 Sep 2010

Weight Watchers (UK) Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 18 Aug 2010

FTTTx VAT – Time limit for making assessments – section 76(6) VATA – HMRC requested information after the expiry of the 2-year period provided for by section 76(6)(a), when they could have requested it within that time period – whether the receipt of that information pursuant to such requests caused the one-year period provided for … Continue reading Weight Watchers (UK) Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 18 Aug 2010

Pinnacle Office Equipment Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 11 May 2010

VALUE ADDED TAX RETURN – failure to furnish return – misdeclaration – failure to pay tax due – reasonable excuse – reliance on any other person – reliance on employed accountant – accountant responsible for late payment and misdeclaration – whether accountant’s ill health reasonable excuse for default – Value Added Tax Act 1994, section … Continue reading Pinnacle Office Equipment Ltd v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 11 May 2010

Newnham College Cambridge v Revenue and Customs: CA 24 Mar 2006

The College had decided to demolish and rebuild its library. It elected to waive exemption to VAT so as to recover the VAT on its rebuilding costs. It had set up and funded an independent company to carry out the works, granting it a lease of the site. It appealed a decision of the tribunal … Continue reading Newnham College Cambridge v Revenue and Customs: CA 24 Mar 2006