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EG and NG (UT Rule 17: Withdrawal; Rule 24: Scope) Ethiopia: UTIAC 8 Feb 2013

UTIAC 1 No party to proceedings before the Upper Tribunal is entitled to withdraw its case without permission under rule 17 of the Tribunal Procedure (Upper Tribunal) Rules 2008. A case may be withdrawn with permission but a case is not withdrawn until the Tribunal has notified the parties in writing that permission to withdraw … Continue reading EG and NG (UT Rule 17: Withdrawal; Rule 24: Scope) Ethiopia: UTIAC 8 Feb 2013

Sutharsan, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department (UT Rule 29 : Time Limit): UTIAC 1 Jul 2019

The 21-day time limit in rule 29(1) of the Tribunal Procedure (Upper Tribunal) Rules 2008 for filing an acknowledgment of service in immigration judicial review proceedings begins to run on the day after the person concerned is provided with a copy of the application for judicial review, not on the day it was sent. A … Continue reading Sutharsan, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department (UT Rule 29 : Time Limit): UTIAC 1 Jul 2019

Quarrell Beaumont Quarters Trustees v TPR and FSA: UTTC 17 Aug 2012

UTTC STRIKE OUT – Whether no reasonable prospect of Applicants’ case succeeding – Whether Applicants failed to cooperate such that Tribunal cannot deal with proceedings fairly and justly – Tribunal Procedure (Upper Tribunal) Rules 2008 rule 8(3)(b) and (c) Citations: [2012] UKUT B13 (TCC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Taxes Management Updated: 12 November … Continue reading Quarrell Beaumont Quarters Trustees v TPR and FSA: UTTC 17 Aug 2012

BPP University College of Professional Studies v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 1 Jul 2014

FTTTx HMRC directed to provide further and better particulars – unless order breached – whether HMRC should be barred – whether Mitchell applies – HMRC barred. Judges: Judge Mosedale Citations: [2014] UKFTT 644 (TC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Finance Act 2011 75 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Cited – Mitchell MP v News Group Newspapers Ltd … Continue reading BPP University College of Professional Studies v Revenue and Customs: FTTTx 1 Jul 2014

Koksal (T/A Arcis Management Consultancy) v The Financial Conduct Authority: UTTC 17 Nov 2015

UTTC FINANCIAL SERVICES – procedure – application to make reference out of time – whether Tribunal satisfied that in all the circumstances application should be granted -no-Rule 2 and Schedule 3 Paragraph 2(2) Tribunal Procedure (Upper Tribunal) Rules 2008 Citations: [2015] UKUT 603 (TCC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Financial Services Updated: 05 August … Continue reading Koksal (T/A Arcis Management Consultancy) v The Financial Conduct Authority: UTTC 17 Nov 2015

Financial Conduct Authority v Macris: SC 22 Mar 2017

The claimant had complained that the appellant Authority had made public a penalty imposed on a former employer but implicating him without he being first given an opportunity to make representations. Judges: Lord Neuberger, President, Lord Mance, Lord Wilson, Lord Sumption, Lord Hodge Citations: [2017] UKSC 19, [2017] Bus LR 64, [2017] 1 WLR 1095, … Continue reading Financial Conduct Authority v Macris: SC 22 Mar 2017

Bittar v Financial Conduct Authority: UTTC 20 Feb 2017

UTTC FINANCIAL SERVICES – third party rights-procedure-whether amendments to Authority’s Statement of Case should be permitted-Rules 2, 5(3)(c) and para 4 Sch 3 Tribunal Procedure (Upper Tribunal) Rules 2008. Citations: [2017] UKUT 82 (TCC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Financial Services Updated: 04 February 2022; Ref: scu.577813

Ahmed (Rule 17; PTA; Family Court Materials) Pakistan: UTIAC 16 Oct 2019

(1) Where P is the respondent to the Secretary of State’s appeal in the Upper Tribunal against the decision of the First-tier Tribunal to allow P’s appeal, P cannot give notice under rule 17 of the Tribunal Procedure (Upper Tribunal) Rules 2008 so as to withdraw his appeal, since P has no appeal in the … Continue reading Ahmed (Rule 17; PTA; Family Court Materials) Pakistan: UTIAC 16 Oct 2019

Zia and Hossan, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department (Strike Out – Reinstatement Refused – Appeal): UTIAC 8 Mar 2017

(i) A decision of the Upper Tribunal refusing to exercise its power to reinstate a judicial review claim which has been struck out may be the subject of an application for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal. (ii) Such a decision, given its nature and consequences, is not to be equated with a … Continue reading Zia and Hossan, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for The Home Department (Strike Out – Reinstatement Refused – Appeal): UTIAC 8 Mar 2017

Macris v The Financial Conduct Authority: UTTC 10 Apr 2014

FINANCIAL SERVICES – preliminary hearing – third party rights – s 393 Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 – whether applicant identified in notice – yes [2014] UKUT B7 (TCC) Bailii England and Wales Cited by: At UTTC – The Financial Conduct Authority v Macris CA 19-May-2015 Appeal by the Authority against a decision by … Continue reading Macris v The Financial Conduct Authority: UTTC 10 Apr 2014

SM (Withdrawal of Appealed Decision: Effect) (Pakistan): UTIAC 11 Feb 2014

UTIAC (1) Rule 17 (withdrawal) of the Tribunal Procedure (Upper Tribunal) Rules 2008 does not enable the Upper Tribunal to withhold consent to the withdrawal by the Secretary of State of the decision against which a person appealed to the First-tier Tribunal. (2) Where such a decision is withdrawn in appellate proceedings before the Immigration … Continue reading SM (Withdrawal of Appealed Decision: Effect) (Pakistan): UTIAC 11 Feb 2014

Anonymity Orders

The court system has acknowledged that the movement toward wider and wider publication of case law (of which we form part) has potential conflicts with privacy in general, and GDPR and Human Rights in particular. There have therefore been developed much more explicit systems for applying to court for ‘anonymity orders’ – an order that … Continue reading Anonymity Orders

Koksal (T/A Arcis Management Consultancy) v The Financial Conduct Authority; UTTC 17 Nov 2015

References: [2015] UKUT 603 (TCC) Links: Bailii UTTC Ratio FINANCIAL SERVICES – procedure – application to make reference out of time – whether Tribunal satisfied that in all the circumstances application should be granted -no-Rule 2 and Schedule 3 Paragraph 2(2) Tribunal Procedure (Upper Tribunal) Rules 2008 Last Update: 28-May-16 Ref: 558951