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Golfrate Property Management Ltd and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v The Crown Court At Southwark and Another: Admn 25 Mar 2014

The claimants sought to have set aside search and seizure warrants obtained to further enquiries into suspected breaches of EU sanctions against ZANU-PF of Zimbabwe. They alleged non-disclosure and misrepresentation. Held: A decision to claim on public interest grounds to withhold information placed before a magistrate to obtain a warrant should be taken by a … Continue reading Golfrate Property Management Ltd and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v The Crown Court At Southwark and Another: Admn 25 Mar 2014

Crown Prosecution Service (Decision Notice): ICO 28 Jun 2010

The CPS was asked to provide information about its civil recovery functions under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. It refused, citing the exemption at section 35(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Commissioner concluded that whilst section 35(1)(a) was engaged by the information, the public interest did not support withholding the information … Continue reading Crown Prosecution Service (Decision Notice): ICO 28 Jun 2010