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Stanford International Bank Ltd v Director of The Serious Fraud Office: SC 15 Feb 2012

The Court heard an interim application to decide whether an appeal to the Supreme Court existed under the 2002 Act. A restraint order had been made as to the appellants assets. Held: The statutory provisions substituting the Supreme Court for the House of Lords had omitted to deal with the 2005 Order appeal provisions. Leave … Continue reading Stanford International Bank Ltd v Director of The Serious Fraud Office: SC 15 Feb 2012

King v Director of the Serious Fraud Office: HL 18 Mar 2009

Authorities in South Africa sought assistance in recovering what they said were assets acquired in England and Scotland with the proceeds of crime in South Africa, and in particular a restraint order, an assets declaration and other investigative assistance. The Court of Appeal had restricted the ambit of the order to exclude Scotland. Held: The … Continue reading King v Director of the Serious Fraud Office: HL 18 Mar 2009

King v The Serious Fraud Office: CACD 18 Mar 2008

Restraint and Disclosure orders had been made on without notice applications at the request of South Africa. The applicant appealed a refusal of their discharge. Held: Such orders did not apply to the applicant’s assets in Scotland. The orders were quashed and new orders substituted restricting their ambit to England and Wales. Judges: Lord Justice … Continue reading King v The Serious Fraud Office: CACD 18 Mar 2008

Perry and Others v Serious Organised Crime Agency: SC 25 Jul 2012

The first appellant had been convicted of substantial frauds in Israel. He appealed against world wide asset freezing (PFO) and disclosure (DO) orders made against him. Neither the appellant, nor his offences were connected with the UK. A bank account within the UK had been disclosed. Held: The appeals succeeded (Judge and Clarke dissenting). The … Continue reading Perry and Others v Serious Organised Crime Agency: SC 25 Jul 2012