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Haque (Adjournment for Asylum Interview) Bangladesh: UTIAC 16 Dec 2011

UTIAC An Immigration Judge is obliged to determine a ground of appeal brought under section 84(1)(g) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, even if the appellant raises for the first time in his grounds of appeal that he is a refugee. There is no obligation to adjourn any hearing before the First-tier Tribunal … Continue reading Haque (Adjournment for Asylum Interview) Bangladesh: UTIAC 16 Dec 2011

JM v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 4 Oct 2006

The Tribunal had concluded in JM (Rule 62(7); human rights unarguable) Liberia * [2006] UKAIT 00009 that a human rights claim was not justiciable on a variation of leave appeal because in such a case the appellant’s removal was not imminent, and the case was not within section 84(1)(g) which conferred the relevant jurisdiction on … Continue reading JM v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 4 Oct 2006

Deliallisi (British Citizen: Deprivation Appeal: Scope) Albania: UTIAC 30 Aug 2013

UTIAC (1) An appeal under section 40A of the British Nationality Act 1981 against a decision to deprive a person of British citizenship requires the Tribunal to consider whether the Secretary of State’s discretionary decision to deprive should be exercised differently. This will involve (but not be limited to) ECHR Article 8 issues, as well … Continue reading Deliallisi (British Citizen: Deprivation Appeal: Scope) Albania: UTIAC 30 Aug 2013