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In Re M/V Derbyshire: QBD 28 Oct 1999

The hearing which is to take place after an order for a re-hearing made under the Act, is a complete re-hearing of the whole case, including all matters defined under the Acts, and is not to be restricted to dealing only with the issues surrounding the casualties. Citations: Times 28-Oct-1999 Statutes: Merchant Shipping Act 1970, … Continue reading In Re M/V Derbyshire: QBD 28 Oct 1999

Marks and Spencer Plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd and Another: SC 2 Dec 2015

The Court considered whether, on exercising a break clause in a lease, the tenant was entitled to recover rent paid in advance. Held: The appeal failed. The Court of Appeal had imposed what was established law. The test for whether a clause might be implied in a contract is: ‘that it is necessary for business … Continue reading Marks and Spencer Plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd and Another: SC 2 Dec 2015

Todd and Others v Adams and Another: QBD 5 Jun 2001

The claimants were the relatives of fishermen who had died at sea when their vessel capsized. They alleged that the ship filed to meet the statutory criteria for stability, and that the defendants were negligent and in breach of statutory duty to them. The court held that the statute and regulations provided clear remedies by … Continue reading Todd and Others v Adams and Another: QBD 5 Jun 2001

Barclays Bank Ltd v Quistclose Investments Ltd; etc: HL 31 Oct 1968

R Ltd were in serious financial difficulties. The company’s overdraft with the appellant bank was almost twice its permitted limit. The company sought a loan of 1 million pounds from a financier, who was willing to lend the company that sum provided the company found the money necessary to pay the ordinary share dividend, a … Continue reading Barclays Bank Ltd v Quistclose Investments Ltd; etc: HL 31 Oct 1968

D Pride and Partners (A Firm) and Others v Institute for Animal Health and Others: QBD 31 Mar 2009

The claimants sought damages after the loss of business when the defendants’ premises were the source of an outbreak of foot and mouth disease. The organism had escaped from their premises via a broken drain. Held: Much of the damage claimed was for economic loss. The number of people who would be brought within the … Continue reading D Pride and Partners (A Firm) and Others v Institute for Animal Health and Others: QBD 31 Mar 2009

Petroleo Brasileiro Sa v Ene Kos 1 Ltd (‘The MT Kos’): SC 2 May 2012

The MT Kos had been chartered by the appellants. The respondents failed to make payments, and notice was given to withdraw the vessel. The contract said that such a notice was without prejudice to any claim. At the time, the vessel was laden. The ship was unavailable for a further 2 days whilst being unladen. … Continue reading Petroleo Brasileiro Sa v Ene Kos 1 Ltd (‘The MT Kos’): SC 2 May 2012