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W Primary Care Trust v TB and Others: Fd 17 Jul 2009

The adult patient TB suffered both physical and mental delusional disabilities. The carers felt that community support and treatment having failed, only intensive residential reatment would help. She resisted this proposed detention. Held: The court considered its powers under the 1983 and the 2005 Act, and ‘if by operation of section 16A (2) (b) above … Continue reading W Primary Care Trust v TB and Others: Fd 17 Jul 2009

Chief Constable and Another v YK and Others: FD 6 Oct 2010

The court gave directions in Forced Marriage Protection order applications. An order had been made at the request of the police on behalf of A, and the court had declined to discharge it on A’s own application. Held: Special advocates were not needed in this case; ‘there is nothing that a special advocate could do … Continue reading Chief Constable and Another v YK and Others: FD 6 Oct 2010