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Wilson and Another v Grainger: ChD 4 Dec 2009

The claimants appealed against a decision of the Adjudicator that they had not acquired a piece of their neighbour’s land by adverse possession, on the basis that their use had been by virtue of an oral licence. The judge had found the occupation to be insufficient to demnstrate exclusion of others from the land. Held: … Continue reading Wilson and Another v Grainger: ChD 4 Dec 2009

Long v Tower Hamlets London Borough Council: ChD 20 Mar 1996

The parties had agreed for a lease, and the tenant entered possession, but no formal lease was executed. The tenant stopped paying rent in 1977 or 1984. He now claimed rectification of the registers to show him as proprietor. The landlord argued that as a lease in writing, time ran from the notice to quit. … Continue reading Long v Tower Hamlets London Borough Council: ChD 20 Mar 1996