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Governor of Pentonville Prison ex parte Khubchandani: QBD 1980

The court considered whether certain conduct, part of which took place in Ghana, would, mutatis mutandis , have constituted an offence over which the English court had jurisdiction. Held: ‘Where a deception is made in this country, but the property is obtained outside the jurisdiction, there is no offence under the English law either under … Continue reading Governor of Pentonville Prison ex parte Khubchandani: QBD 1980

Moynes v Cooper: 1956

moynes_cooper1956 A workman received a paypacket containing andpound;7 more than was due to him but did not become aware of the overpayment till he opened the envelope some time later. He then kept the andpound;7. Held: Where the accused received property innocently but later decided to fraudulently appropriate it, this was held not to be … Continue reading Moynes v Cooper: 1956

Thorne v Motor Trade Association: HL 1937

The House confirmed a declaration granted as to validity of a rule of association notwithstanding the absence of any dispute. The House considered the nature of the threat required to establish a defence of duress.Lord Wright observed that the word ‘menaces’ is to be liberally construed and is not limited to threats of violence, but … Continue reading Thorne v Motor Trade Association: HL 1937