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Patel and Another v Daybells (a Firm): CA 27 Jul 2001

Land was purchased and a resale negotiated before it was registered. An undertaking was accepted that the seller’s solicitor would discharge all charges. The purchasers sought to avoid completion by saying the Act required them to be registered before completion. The matter was completed but the seller’s bank refused to sign the release. The bank … Continue reading Patel and Another v Daybells (a Firm): CA 27 Jul 2001

P and O Overseas Holdings Ltd v Rhys Braintree Ltd and Another: CA 12 Mar 2002

The first defendant appealed the award of interest on an order for specific performance of a contract for the sale of land. It had declined to complete the purchase because the seller had not been registered as proprietor of the land, and the transfer to it had not been stamped. Held: The transfer to the … Continue reading P and O Overseas Holdings Ltd v Rhys Braintree Ltd and Another: CA 12 Mar 2002