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Roberts and Another v South Gloucestershire Council: CA 7 Nov 2002

The landowner appealed against the compensation awarded for the compulsory acquisition of his land for use as a road. The owners had been compensated only for its agricultural value, but said that it should have allowed for its value for minerals extraction. Held: The appeal failed. Carnwath LJ said: ‘The planning assumptions in the 1961 … Continue reading Roberts and Another v South Gloucestershire Council: CA 7 Nov 2002

Taff v Highway Agency: UTLC 10 Jul 2009

UTLC COMPENSATION – compulsory purchase – preliminary issue – valuation of land with lawful use certificates and planning permission – claimant operating without necessary waste management licence – Land Compensation Act 1961, section 5(4 ) – whether any increase in value due to unlawful use that should not be taken into account. Citations: [2009] UKUT … Continue reading Taff v Highway Agency: UTLC 10 Jul 2009