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Department of Health v Information Commissioner (Freedom of Information Act 2000): FTTGRC 15 Oct 2009

The Department had altered the way it reported the incidence of late abortions so as to protect the identities of those involved. It said that the numbers were so small that any detail could lead to identification. Held: (1) The disputed information constituted personal data in the hands of the Department of Health.(2) That the … Continue reading Department of Health v Information Commissioner (Freedom of Information Act 2000): FTTGRC 15 Oct 2009

Information Commissioner (Decision Notice): ICO 10 Mar 2011

The complainant requested a copy of the Information Commissioner’s Office’s (ICO) Enforcement Referral Log. This was disclosed by the ICO with certain information redacted under section 31(1)(g) by virtue sections 31(2)(a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act). The redacted information comprised of live enforcement cases from 2007 where disclosure would … Continue reading Information Commissioner (Decision Notice): ICO 10 Mar 2011

John Connor Press Associates Ltd v The Information Commissioner: IT 24 Jan 2006

Citations: [2006] UKIT EA – 2006 – 0005 Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom of Information Act 2000 43(2) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Cited – Lord, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department Admn 1-Sep-2003 The claimant was a category A prisoner serving a sentence of life imprisonment for murder. … Continue reading John Connor Press Associates Ltd v The Information Commissioner: IT 24 Jan 2006

Department for Work and Pensions v The Information Commissioner and Another: CA 27 Jul 2016

The applicant sought disclosure of certain organisations who had provided placements for those seeking work. They said that in the past disclosure had led to adverse publicity for those organisations, and refused disclosure under the department’s commercial interests and those of the organisations involved. The Department now appealed from a decision that the qualified exemption … Continue reading Department for Work and Pensions v The Information Commissioner and Another: CA 27 Jul 2016

Gradwick v Information Commissioner and The Foreign and Commonwealth Office: FTTGRC 23 Aug 2011

The Tribunal allows the appeal on one issue only and substitutes the following decision notice in place of the decision notice dated 21 July 2010. Additionally the Tribunal requests that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office further reviews its redactions in light of the matters set out in paragraphs 33-34 of this judgement with a view … Continue reading Gradwick v Information Commissioner and The Foreign and Commonwealth Office: FTTGRC 23 Aug 2011

Sheffield Hallam University (Decision Notice) FS50439809: ICO 14 Aug 2012

The complainant has requested information relating to Common Purpose and for specific invoices. Sheffield Hallam University (the University) provided the complainant with some of the requested information but made redactions under section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). It refused to provide some of the requested information under section 12 FOIA as … Continue reading Sheffield Hallam University (Decision Notice) FS50439809: ICO 14 Aug 2012

Wise v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 16 Mar 2011

FTTGRC ‘This appeal concerns a request made by the Appellant to the Lancashire Police Authority (‘LPA’) on 31 August 2008 for documentation concerning the LPA’s decision not to include in its newsletter ‘Dialogue’ an article on the Intelligence and Anti-Corruption Team. There had previously been a published intention to include such an article and the … Continue reading Wise v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 16 Mar 2011

Student Loans Company Ltd v Information Commissioner: IT 17 Jul 2009

Exemption under FOIA s36(2)(c) – prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs – late claim – opinion of qualified person formed after time when request was dealth with – whether evidence of authorisation of qualified person pursuant to FOIA s36(5)(o) – Exemption under FOIA s43 – prejudice to commercial interests – meaning of ‘commercial … Continue reading Student Loans Company Ltd v Information Commissioner: IT 17 Jul 2009

Roberts v Information Commissioner (Dismissed :Freedom of Information Act 2000): FTTGRC 31 Oct 2013

Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the engagement of the exemption under Section 36(2), 40(1), 40(2) and 42 and the application of the public interest test. Held: The Tribunal upholds the decision notice (FS50433433) dated 26 February 2013 and dismisses the appeal. Citations: [2013] UKFTT EA – 2013 – 0059 (GRC Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom … Continue reading Roberts v Information Commissioner (Dismissed :Freedom of Information Act 2000): FTTGRC 31 Oct 2013

Mercer v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 11 Jul 2014

Appeal against the Information Commissioner’s Decision FS50498344 dated 22nd October 2013 which concluded that the Ministry of Defence (MOD) had correctly applied s42(1) FOIA (legal professional privilege) to the disputed information. Held: The Appeal is refused Judges: Fiona Henderson (Judge) Citations: [2014] UKFTT 2013 – 0250 (GRC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom of Information Act 2000 … Continue reading Mercer v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 11 Jul 2014

Mathieson v Information Commissioner and Devon and Cornwall Constabulary: FTTGRC 11 Apr 2011

1. The Public Authority failed to deal with the Complainant’s request for information . . in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in that it should have communicated the requested information to him; 2. The Public Authority is now required to communicate the requested information to him no later than 35 working days … Continue reading Mathieson v Information Commissioner and Devon and Cornwall Constabulary: FTTGRC 11 Apr 2011

Islington Council (Decision Notice) FS50430435: ICO 13 Aug 2012

The complainant requested information from the London Borough of Islington (the council) relating to charges to residents of flats. The council refused to respond to the requests because it considered that they were vexatious under section 14(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the FOIA), the exclusion relating to vexatious requests. The Commissioner’s decision … Continue reading Islington Council (Decision Notice) FS50430435: ICO 13 Aug 2012

Islington Council (Decision Notice) FS50430436: ICO 13 Aug 2012

The complainant requested information from the London Borough of Islington (the council) relating to charges to residents of flats. The council refused to respond to the requests because it considered that they were vexatious under section 14(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the FOIA), the exclusion relating to vexatious requests. The Commissioner’s decision … Continue reading Islington Council (Decision Notice) FS50430436: ICO 13 Aug 2012

Islington Council (Decision Notice) FS50437482: ICO 13 Aug 2012

The complainant requested information from the London Borough of Islington (the council) relating to charges to residents of flats. The council refused to respond to the requests because it considered that they were vexatious under section 14(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the FOIA), the exclusion relating to vexatious requests. The Commissioner’s decision … Continue reading Islington Council (Decision Notice) FS50437482: ICO 13 Aug 2012

Department for Work and Pensions (Central Government) FS50564430: ICO 7 Jul 2015

The complainant requested information relating to the provision of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to deaf children. The DWP refused the request under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) as compliance with the request would exceed the appropriate limit. The Commissioner’s decision is that the DWP is entitled to refuse the … Continue reading Department for Work and Pensions (Central Government) FS50564430: ICO 7 Jul 2015

Sanders v Information Commissioner (Original Decision Upheld Freedom of Information Act 2000): FTTGRC 7 Jul 2015

Freedom of Information Act 2000 ss 40(1) – personal data of applicant, 40(2) – personal data of others and 32 – court records. Citations: [2015] UKFTT 2015 – 0243 (GRC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom of Information Act 2000 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Information Updated: 03 February 2022; Ref: scu.552487

Queen Mary University of London v Information Commissioner and Matthees: FTTGRC 12 Aug 2016

Depending upon the extent to which data had been successfully anonymised, anonymised clinical trial patient-level data was not exempt from disclosure under the 2000 Act. [2016] UKFTT 2015 – 0269 (GRC) Bailii Freedom of Information Act 2000 22A 40 41 43 England and Wales Information Updated: 22 January 2022; Ref: scu.568586