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Martyres v The Information Commissioner (Freedom of Information Act 2000): FTTGRC 31 Dec 2014

The claimant had sought information from several public bodies as to his late wife to support his probate dispute. The police had rejected this request as vexatios, and he now appealed against the upholding of that decision by the respondent. [2014] UKFTT 2014 – 0184 (GRC) Bailii Information Updated: 25 December 2021; Ref: scu.541423

Kings College London v Information Commissioner (Dismissed Freedom of Information Act 2000): FTTGRC 30 Sep 2014

FTTG FOIA section 40(2) – whether disclosure of personal data would breach the first data protection principle – FOIA section 43(2) – whether disclosure would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of the public authority Anisa Dhanji TJ [2014] UKFTT 2014 – 0074 (GRC) Bailii Freedom of Information Act 2000 Information Updated: 24 December … Continue reading Kings College London v Information Commissioner (Dismissed Freedom of Information Act 2000): FTTGRC 30 Sep 2014

Jonathan Brain v Information Commissioner (Dismissed Freedom of Information Act 2000): FTTGRC 15 Sep 2014

Whether information is held by Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) – arises from a planning application for a proposed waste incinerator and correspondence which began in October 2012 between Mr Kenneth Kolb (the Appellant) and BCC. 2. Essentially the Appellant believes that BCC held and continues to hold information that it has not disclosed to him. … Continue reading Jonathan Brain v Information Commissioner (Dismissed Freedom of Information Act 2000): FTTGRC 15 Sep 2014

Department for Transport v The Information Commissioner and, Dr Minh Alexander: UTAA 10 May 2021

The appeal concerns the disclosure, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘FOIA’), of staff survey reports addressing very small units within the civil service. The requested reports relate to the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (‘AAIB’), a unit within the Department for Transport (`the Appellant’ of `DfT’) and, within the AAIB, those pertaining to … Continue reading Department for Transport v The Information Commissioner and, Dr Minh Alexander: UTAA 10 May 2021

Benjamin, Vanderpool and Gumbs v The Minister of Information and Broadcasting and The Attorney General for Anguilla: PC 14 Feb 2001

PC (Anguilla) A first non-religious radio station had been formed, but came to include much criticism of the government. One programme was suspended by the government. The programme makers complained that this interfered with their constitutioinal and human rights to freedom of thought, freedom of expression and freedom from discrimination. Held: The motive in closing … Continue reading Benjamin, Vanderpool and Gumbs v The Minister of Information and Broadcasting and The Attorney General for Anguilla: PC 14 Feb 2001

Office of Government Commerce (Decision Notice): ICO 14 Jul 2008

ICO The complainant requested access to all of the documents held by the Office of Government Commerce with regard to the ministerial direction issued by the Secretary of State for Defence to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence on 30 July 2003, which concerned the order of 20 Hawk jet trainer aircraft. The … Continue reading Office of Government Commerce (Decision Notice): ICO 14 Jul 2008

Wolverhampton City Council (Decision Notice): ICO 14 Mar 2012

The complainant requested information in respect of Wolverhampton City Council’s (WCC) expenditure on Adopted Child Support Allowance, grants to adoptive parents and reimbursement of costs for prospective adoptive parents for the financial year from 2010-2011. The Commissioner’s decision is that WCC did not deal with the request in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, … Continue reading Wolverhampton City Council (Decision Notice): ICO 14 Mar 2012