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Serco Ltd v Dahou: EAT 14 Aug 2014

EAT Trade Union Rights : Action Short of Dismissal Detriment and dismissal Employment Tribunal failed to consider Respondent’s explanations for detrimental treatment/principal reason for dismissal on the causation issues in s.146 and 152 Employment Rights Act 1996 in relation to participation in the activities of an independent trade union at an appropriate time; erred in … Continue reading Serco Ltd v Dahou: EAT 14 Aug 2014

Markham v Asda Stores Ltd (Health and Safety): EAT 15 Aug 2019

The Claimant had relied on a number of causes of action in his ET claim, including an allegation of an automatically unfair health and safety dismissal contrary to s.100(1)(b) ERA 1996 for his having sought to undertake a workplace inspection in his capacity as a Safety Representative under the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations … Continue reading Markham v Asda Stores Ltd (Health and Safety): EAT 15 Aug 2019

law index

Our law-index is a substantial selection from our database. Cases here are restricted in number by date and lack the additional facilities formerly available within lawindexpro. Please do enjoy this free version of the lawindex. Case law does not ‘belong’ to lawyers. Judgments are made up of words which can be read and understood (if … Continue reading law index