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Oxfordshire County Council v GB and Others: CA 22 Aug 2001

When an appeal was lodged against the decision of the Special Educational Needs Tribunal, it was wrong for that Tribunal later to expand on its reasons, save in exceptional circumstances. Parental preference was not an overriding consideration, given the possible substantial costs of providing education in a special school. The tribunal must strike a balance, … Continue reading Oxfordshire County Council v GB and Others: CA 22 Aug 2001

Regina v Islington London Borough Council, ex parte G A (a Child): Admn 20 Oct 2000

The child was severely disabled and was to be schooled as a weekday boarder 75 miles from home. He sought assistance with the travelling expenses when his condition worsened and the arrangements became more burdensome. Held: It was not open to a local authority to refuse to contribute to a child’s travelling expenses to a … Continue reading Regina v Islington London Borough Council, ex parte G A (a Child): Admn 20 Oct 2000