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Regina v Mitchell (Clive), Regina v Mitchell (Jennifer): CACD 9 Jan 2001

It could be proper for a court to order both confiscation and compensation where the defendant’s assets could support them. Where there was insufficient to pay the compensation order, the person claiming compensation could request the confiscation to be given effect, and seek his compensation out of the amounts so recovered. The existence of a … Continue reading Regina v Mitchell (Clive), Regina v Mitchell (Jennifer): CACD 9 Jan 2001

Atkins v Director of Public Prosecutions; Goodland v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 8 Mar 2000

For possession of an indecent image of a child to be proved, it was necessary to establish some knowledge of its existence. Images stored without the defendant’s knowledge by browser software in a hidden cache, of which he was also unaware, were not such, and a conviction was quashed. The situation was akin to a … Continue reading Atkins v Director of Public Prosecutions; Goodland v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 8 Mar 2000

Harriot v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 4 May 2005

The defendant appealed by case stated against his conviction under the 1988 Act of possessing a bladed article in a public place. He had been found in the forecourt of a hostel by the police seeking to re-enter after being excluded. He said that it was not a public place. Held: The appeal succeeded. Sedley … Continue reading Harriot v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 4 May 2005