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Digital Satellite Warranty Cover Ltd v The Financial Services Authority: CA 29 Nov 2011

Parties appealed against on order for the winding up of the company. The Authority (FSA) had said that the company which supplied warranties to owners of digital receiver boxes were providing regulated insurance services, but that the companies were not registered. The warranties were for the repair and supply of parts only, and the company … Continue reading Digital Satellite Warranty Cover Ltd v The Financial Services Authority: CA 29 Nov 2011

Re Digital Satellite Warranty Cover Ltd and Others: ChD 31 Jan 2011

The Financial Services Authority sought public interest orders for the winding up of three companies selling, it said, extended warranty cover plans without authorisation. The companies said that authorisation was not required, since only services in kind, namely repairs, were provided. Held: The orders were made. Warren J rejected that argument that the services were … Continue reading Re Digital Satellite Warranty Cover Ltd and Others: ChD 31 Jan 2011