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Bilta (UK) Ltd and Others v Nazir and Others: ChD 30 Jul 2012

The company was said to have engaged in a fraud based on false European Trading Scheme Allowances, and had been wound up by the Revenue. The liquidators, in the company name, now sought recovery from former directors and associates. Held: The court dismissed the application: ‘First, the fact that there is, in accordance with my … Continue reading Bilta (UK) Ltd and Others v Nazir and Others: ChD 30 Jul 2012

Reid Minty (a firm) v Taylor: CA 2002

New CPR govern Indemnity Costs awards The defendant had successfully defended the main claim and now appealed against the refusal of an order for costs on an indemnity basis even though judge thought that the claimants had behaved unreasonably. He had said that some conduct deserving of moral condemnation was required. The defendant had made … Continue reading Reid Minty (a firm) v Taylor: CA 2002