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Reliance National Insurance Company (Europe) Limited and Another v Ropner Insurance Services Limited: CA 1 Dec 2000

A court action had become stale, and was at risk of automatic striking out. One party wrote the court requesting directions or that the judge direct a case management conference if appropriate. He did not seek the approval of the defendant. It was held that the letter, and its being read by the judge, was … Continue reading Reliance National Insurance Company (Europe) Limited and Another v Ropner Insurance Services Limited: CA 1 Dec 2000

Meakin v British Broadcasting Corporation and Others: ChD 27 Jul 2010

The claimant alleged that the proposal for a game show submitted by him had been used by the various defendants. He alleged breaches of copyright and of confidence. Application was now made to strike out the claim. Judges: Arnold J Citations: [2010] EWHC 2065 (Ch) Links: Bailii Statutes: Civil Procedure Rules 24.2 Jurisdiction: England and … Continue reading Meakin v British Broadcasting Corporation and Others: ChD 27 Jul 2010

Lloyds Investment (Scandinavia) Ltd v Ager-Hanssen: ChD 15 Jul 2003

The defendant sought a variation under Part 3.1(7) of an order setting aside an earlier judgment in default of defence, on terms requiring a substantial payment into court with which the defendant, who was a litigant in person, had not complied. Patten J discussed the jurisdiction under Part 3.1(7): ‘The Deputy Judge exercised a discretion … Continue reading Lloyds Investment (Scandinavia) Ltd v Ager-Hanssen: ChD 15 Jul 2003

Rose v Lynx Express Ltd. and Bridgepoint Capital (Nominees) Ltd: CA 7 Apr 2004

In an request for pre-action discovery it was plainly wrong for the court to seek to decide in advance any element of the virtues of the case. Held: The appeal should be allowed. The case was arguable and should be allowed to proceed.Peter Gibson LJ said: ‘We have reservations about the approach adopted by the … Continue reading Rose v Lynx Express Ltd. and Bridgepoint Capital (Nominees) Ltd: CA 7 Apr 2004

Black v Sumitomo Corporation: CA 3 Dec 2001

The claimants proposed pre-action discovery which was resisted. Held: A purpose of pre-action disclosure is to assist those who need disclosure as a vital step in deciding whether to litigate at all or to provide a vital ingredient in the pleading of their case. The rules required first that disclosure would be desirable in the … Continue reading Black v Sumitomo Corporation: CA 3 Dec 2001

Three Rivers District Council and Others v Governor and Company of The Bank of England (No 3): HL 22 Mar 2001

Misfeasance in Public Office – Recklessness The bank sought to strike out the claim alleging misfeasance in public office in having failed to regulate the failed bank, BCCI. Held: Misfeasance in public office might occur not only when a company officer acted to injure a party, but also where he acted with knowledge of, or … Continue reading Three Rivers District Council and Others v Governor and Company of The Bank of England (No 3): HL 22 Mar 2001

Nigeria v Santolina Investment Corp and others: ChD 7 Mar 2007

The federal government sought to recover properties from the defendants which it said were the proceeds of corrupt behaviour by the principal defendant who had been State Governor of a province. The claimant sought summary judgment. Held: Summary judgment was refused. The witness statements were admitted to contain contradictory and unreliable evidence, and the allegations … Continue reading Nigeria v Santolina Investment Corp and others: ChD 7 Mar 2007

Easyair Ltd (T/A Openair) v Opal Telecom Ltd: ChD 2 Mar 2009

Principles Applicable on Summary Judgment Request The court considered an application for summary judgment. Held: Lewison J set out the principles: ‘the court must be careful before giving summary judgment on a claim. The correct approach on applications by defendants is, in my judgment, as follows: i) The court must consider whether the claimant has … Continue reading Easyair Ltd (T/A Openair) v Opal Telecom Ltd: ChD 2 Mar 2009