Cooper and Others v Fanmailuk.Com Ltd and Another: CA 17 Dec 2009

F claimed to be the beneficial owner of shares registered in the names of the claimants. The appellants challenged a finding that the shares were held on trust for F, and the implication that the first appellant had presented a dishonest claim.
Held: The appeal was dismissed. The judge had given proper consideration to the evidence and his assessment was not perverse and should stand. There had been a common intention that the shares were to be held in trust for the respondent. The circumstances including the faking of documents by others supported the judges conclusion as to the reliability of the principle claimant.
Mummery LJ, Lloyd J, Aikens LJ
[2009] EWCA Civ 1368
England and Wales
CitedGissing v Gissing HL 7-Jul-1970
Evidence Needed to Share Benefical Inerests
The family home had been purchased during the marriage in the name of the husband only. The wife asserted that she had a beneficial interest in it.
Held: The principles apply to any case where a beneficial interest in land is claimed by a . .
CitedEckersley v Binnie CA 1988
The court considered the duties of a judge considering conflicting expert evidence: ‘In resolving conflicts of expert evidence, the judge remains the judge; he is not obliged to accept evidence simply because it comes from an illustrious source; he . .
CitedDatec Electronics Holdings Ltd and others v United Parcels Services Ltd HL 16-May-2007
The defendants had taken on the delivery of a quantity of the claimant’s computers. The equipment reached one depot, but then was lost or stolen. The parties disputed whether the Convention rules applied. UPS said that the claimant had agreed that . .
CitedPiglowska v Piglowski HL 24-Jun-1999
When looking to the needs of parties in a divorce, there is no presumption that both parties are to be left able to purchase alternative homes. The order of sub-clauses in the Act implies nothing as to their relative importance. Courts should be . .
CitedBiogen Plc v Medeva Plc HL 31-Oct-1996
The claim patented sought to protect a genetic molecule rather than a whole mouse namely that the molecule would, if inserted into a suitable host cell, cause the cell to make antigens of the Hepatitis B virus. A recombinant method of making the . .
CitedFanmailuk.Com Ltd and Another v Cooper and others ChD 11-Jun-2008
Claim for a declaration that the entire share capital was held on trust for the claimant.
Held: Engelhart QC said: ‘on an application under section 261 it would be ‘quite wrong . . to embark on anything like a mini-trial of the action’ . .
Appeal fromFanmailuk.Com Ltd and Another v Cooper and others ChD 17-Dec-2008
A declaration was sought as to the beneficial ownership of some shares. . .

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Updated: 09 June 2021; Ref: scu.384329