Banque Bruxelles Lambert Sa v Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd and Others Appeals: CA 24 Feb 1995

References: Times 24-Feb-95, Gazette 22-Mar-95, Times 21-Feb-95, [1995] QB 375
Damages payable to a secured lender for a negligent valuation included losses attributable to general market. Discussing liability where two causes contributed to the damages: ‘the event which the plaintiff alleges to be causative need not be the only or even the main cause of the result complained of: it is enough if it is an effective cause’
This case cites:

This case is cited by:

  • Appeal from – South Australia Asset Management Corporation -v- York Montague Ltd etc HL (Gazette 04-Sep-96, Times 24-Jun-96, [1997] AC 191, [1996] PNLR 455, [1996] 27 EG 125, [1996] 3 WLR 87, Bailii, [1996] UKHL 10, [1996] 3 All ER 365, [1996] 2 EGLR 93, 80 BLR 1, [1996] 5 Bank LR 211, [1996] CLC 1179, [1996] 50 Con LR 153)
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    Held: The . .