Royal Mail (Decision Notice): ICO 30 Mar 2011

ICO The complainant made a request to Royal Mail Group PLC under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for a list of all current agreements held to deliver unaddressed mail in a certain postcode area. Royal Mail confirmed that it held the requested information but stated that it believed it was exempt from disclosure by virtue of section 43(1) and section 43(2) of the Act. The Commissioner has concluded that section 43(1) is engaged and that the public interest is in favour of maintaining the exemption. The Commissioner finds that the exemption was correctly applied and he requires no steps to be taken.
Section of Act/EIR and Finding: FOI 43 – Complaint Not upheld

[2011] UKICO FS50313967
England and Wales


Updated: 11 December 2021; Ref: scu.530385