Willeter v Dobie: 23 Jun 1856

A married woman, by her will, in exercise of a power of appointment over trust moneys, made several bequests, and ‘after payment of her just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, and the expenses attending the execution of her will, appointed’ the residue of the trust moneys among her nieces.
Held: The charge of funeral expenses was not contingent upon her surviving her husband, and that her husband surviving was entitled to repayment, out of the trust moneys, of money paid by him in respect of such expenses.


[1856] EngR 706, (1856) 2 K and J 647, (1856) 69 ER 942



Trusts, Wills and Probate

Updated: 02 May 2022; Ref: scu.291461