ComC Untraced Drivers Scheme of the Motor Insurers Bureau – obligation to award interest – power to award interest under section 19A of the 1950 Act.
Thomas J
Times 10-Nov-1997
England and Wales
Appealed to – Mighell v Reading and Another and Evans v Motor Insurers Bureau and White v White and Another CA 30-Sep-1998
Passengers were injured in motor vehicles. The drivers were uninsured, and the MIB had declined to make payment. The doctrine of direct effect did not apply where the allegation was that the Motor Insurers Bureau arrangement did not comply with a . .
Cited by:
Appeal from – Mighell v Reading and Another and Evans v Motor Insurers Bureau and White v White and Another CA 30-Sep-1998
Passengers were injured in motor vehicles. The drivers were uninsured, and the MIB had declined to make payment. The doctrine of direct effect did not apply where the allegation was that the Motor Insurers Bureau arrangement did not comply with a . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Arbitration, Insurance
Updated: 13 May 2022; Ref: scu.220787