References: [1220] EngR 713, 5 Mar 150 11 Co 89, The Earl of Devons case Office, Grants, Nonability, (1220-1623) Jenk 121, (1220) 145 ER 85 (B)
Links: Commonlii
The King’s grant of an office which requires skill, as in the Common Plea or King’s Bench, to an unskilful man, is void ; even though it be made to him and his assigns. A grant of an office of skill to an inifant, to he exercised in presenti, is void ; but if in futuro, arid that he be of full age and expert, when the ottice is to be exercised, the grant is good. The Bishop of Rochester granted the office of register there to A, for life, and after the death of A to B an infant ; at the time of the death of A. H. was become of full age, and being expert was capable of the office; this grant is good.
Last Update: 31-Jan-16 Ref: 461625