Madrassa Anjuman Islamia of Kholwad v Municipal Council of Johan-Nesburg: PC 1922

‘The word ‘occupy’ is a word of uncertain meaning. Sometimes it denotes legal possession in the technical sense, . . At other times ‘occupation’ denotes nothing more than physical presence in a place for a substantial period of time, . . Its precise meaning in any particular statute . . must depend on the purpose for which, and the context in which, it is used.’


Viscount Cave


[1922] 1 AC 500

Cited by:

CitedInternational Traders Ferry Ltd v Adur District Council CA 26-Feb-2004
The council served a stop notice. The company sought compensation. The council replied that the company had no legal or equitable interest in the land affected.
Held: The company had occupied the land under a licence. A contractual licensee on . .
CitedStevens v Bromley London Borough Council 1972
The court referred to the extent of interest in land required by caravan dwellers to support payment of compensation on the issue of enforcement notice.
Held: Salmon LJ said: ‘I agree that the interest referred to in section 45(3)(b) is . .
CitedBushell and Others, Regina (on the Application of) v Newcastle Upon Tyne Licensing Justices and Another HL 15-Feb-2006
Licensees appealed against the grant of judicial review of decisions granting special removal of old on-licences for premises. The grant had been challenged on the basis that the magistrates had had no jurisdiction to make the award because the . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 13 May 2022; Ref: scu.194775