Lowery v Walker: 1910

References: [1910] 1 KB 173
Ratio: An occupier of land who knows that members of the public are in the habit of going on to his land and does nothing to prevent it, may be deemed to have licensed them to do so.
Jurisdiction: England and Wales
This case cites:

  • Appealed to – Lowery v Walker HL ([1911] AC 10, Bailii, [1910] UKHL 1)
    A trespasser was injured by the land owner’s savage horse.
    Held: If a land-owner knows of but does nothing to stop acts of trespass by the public on his land, there may be an implied license. Decision reversed. In Scottish courts the . .

(This list may be incomplete)
This case is cited by:

  • Appeal from – Lowery v Walker HL ([1911] AC 10, Bailii, [1910] UKHL 1)
    A trespasser was injured by the land owner’s savage horse.
    Held: If a land-owner knows of but does nothing to stop acts of trespass by the public on his land, there may be an implied license. Decision reversed. In Scottish courts the . .

(This list may be incomplete)

Last Update: 17 August 2017
Ref: 218728