Temporary Jurisdiction in the Commissioners of Forfeitures – Claims upon the estate of an attainted person, which had reverted to a loyal superior, did not fall under this jurisdiction, but remained to the Ordinary Courts.
Process. – Adjudication. – Mails and Duties – In an action of Mails and Duties brought by an adjudger, the superior to whom the estate hid reverted makes various objections to the adjudications, as already paid, and as in regular; upon the adjudger finding caution to repeat over-payments, these objections are repelled, leaving to the superior his remedy by declarator.
Sequostration – An estate of a person attainted, which had reverted to a loyal superior, is sequestrated at the instance of competing creditors, adjudgers prior to the forfeiture.
[1725] UKHL Robertson – 531, (1725) Robertson 531
Updated: 05 January 2022; Ref: scu.554119